
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

We engage with project proponents and experts to prepare EIA, EMP, ESCP, PAT reports to support proposed development projects and assist until the reports are approved by approving agencies.

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PAT or EESIM (Environmental Essential for Siting of Industry in Malaysia) is a crucial step in getting environmental approving authority agree with the best choice of site selected to setup facilities.

Environmental Monitoring & Sampling

Environmental sampling, monitoring and reportings we conduct regularly keeps our client projects compliant with the regulation or approval conditions.

Environmental Officer (EO) Support

We place qualified consultants onsite to assist you manage routine project site environmental expectation and demands for short or long term duration.

Environmental Permitting

We assist our clients by relieving them from the stress associated with permitting tasks either for new setups or renewal of existing permits through a systematic process.

Waste Management advisory

Management of solid waste, waste oil, contaminated soil, process sludge and other types of hazardous wastes require careful planning that complies to regulations.

Waste to Energy

We help clients achieve savings and waste minimisation targets through returns from using waste generated onsite as resource.

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Waste Management Audit

Best practices in waste management can be further enhanced for best expected result by understanding existing information obtained through periodic audits.

Environmental due diligence audit

Our due diligence and environmental audits are systematic and follows established standards and identifies concerns and liabilities for an informed transactional decision process.

Environmental site assessment (ESA)

We are highly specialised in site assessment studies helping to characterise contaminated sites, identify chemicals of concern in the affected medium, assess the exposure risk linkages and also the likely liabilities.

Remediation of contaminated sites

We design and deliver contaminated site remediation (clean-up) strategies targeted to meet planned clean-up goals using proven viable remedial method and technologies.

Validate Leaking UST

Sites with leaking USTs (underground storage tanks or ‘LUST’) require fast attention and validation in managing potential prolong contamination challenges, third party liabilities or remain compliant with regulations.

Hydrogeological Study & Groundwater Resource

Our experienced and hands-on geologist will gather reliable and vital field data, assess them and provide the best interpretation on resource qualities or availability.

Geological Terrain Mapping

Terrain mapping or hillside geological surveys service is specially performed for development or construction projects or to fulfil requirement associated with EIA study conditions.

Validation of Soil Investigation Works

Our geologists can be would be the ears and eyes for our clients to ensure site investigation works are performed as per specification and yields dependable data set.

Geophysical Investigation Services

A non-intrusive investigation procedure helping you understand subsurface geological conditions for planning and execution of targeted scope of work.

Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

We prepare EMP reports in tandem with EIA approval conditions, submit the report and follow through until the report is accepted by the environmental approving authority.

Erosion & sediment Control Plan (ESCP)

We can prepare ESCP to fulfil EIA requirement which is associated with minimising impact caused by land disturbance during project implementation.

Project Closure Environmental Audit

Project closure environmental audit are performed by qualified auditor according to environmental department requirement to ensure our client can conclude a project successfully.


Environmental Compliance Audit

Our qualified auditors or inspectors ensures environmental tasks are conducted meeting the set criteria by the environmental approving authority or according to industry standard practices.


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